Welcome to Landslide's Blog
Landslide is a horse blog, but we’re a little different. We’re champions for retired horses, and raising awareness for the need for loving, nurturing homes that are affordable for owners.
When the races and competitions end, their true personalities shine. It’s our dream for every retired horse to live free from auction worries and be cared for in a loving home.
We’ve spent the last 11 years dedicated to caring for retired and older horses, and we want to share our experiences to inspire others to do the same.
Our Goal
To inspire and empower, with a smile along the way. We hope to encourage others to join our journey because nothing feeds the soul like caring for these beautiful creatures after they’ve given us their very best.
We dedicate this page to our owners; to honor the sacrifices you make to provide care for your companions. You are remarkable, truly good humans. We also recognize the owners facing difficult decisions. We hope to inspire more affordable opportunities, so decisions are easier.
Thank you for joining us as we work towards a future where every retired horse finds the peace and love they deserve.
How it Began
I’m Mary, a horse-keeper in central Maryland. After years of raising kids, living in the suburbs, and working in the city, I had the crazy idea to sell our house and move. Urban crawl was making me claustrophobic.
I wanted to see more trees and country roads, but here I am, 13 years later, awake at five, dressed in double layers, and filling grain buckets in my kitchen sink.
My new life began after giving my husband the three-day silent treatment. He had a house to show me, but I stopped him halfway into the driveway. Trees and dense brush covered both sides of the drive, and I was certain we wouldn’t make it out alive. I told him to turn the car around. He went to see it without me, and I didn’t talk to him for three days. But he was keeping a secret – a bedroom window overlooking a barn and paddock, where my horse would be waiting to bid me good morning. A secret dream I never imagined I could even wish for.
The Business
Landslide Stables was born in 2013. We spent our first year rehabbing the barn and paddocks and volunteering at a riding center to learn best practices for horse care. My dream of a sweet pony gently calling me from outside my window didn’t pan out, but when their hangry calls of “you’re starving me!” turn to happy slurping and munching, I stand there—a morning mess in barn boots and a robe—and smile at the way they bless my life.
Landslide Stables’ blog focuses on a cottage industry style of horse-keeping—caring for retired horses from a small barn perspective. In our 4 stalls, we’ve cared for eleven beautiful horses since opening; horses that might have been sent to auction had their owners not had an option. We’ll share things that have worked for us, including tips on containing costs to keep board fees affordable. We’ll also entertain you with horse stories! Herd dynamics are fascinating, and their behaviors can teach us so much.
Thank you for dropping in! I hope you find inspiration, information, and a deep sense of community here. You can also find us on social media at the links below.
The Meaning Behind Our Name
I spent months picking out just the right name for the stable. I had many to choose from—names that would have highlighted our serene and peaceful landscape—but none of them gave it life.
I chose Landslide during the 2013 Super Bowl commercial! Budweiser’s “Brotherhood” commercial showcased the love, dedication, and pride of a trainer as he raises a Clydesdale from a foal. The trainer invests significant time and effort into nurturing its growth and training, and a deep bond develops.
Then it’s time for his friend to move on to join the Budweiser team, and we feel his sadness and loss as he gazes into the empty stall and paddock – Stevie Nicks singing softly in the background: > “Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’ > ‘Cause I’ve built my life around you”
But the story has a happy ending! Sometime later they are reunited at a parade when the horse recognizes him and breaks free to run to him, and all seems right with the world again. It highlights that the love and connection that develops between owners and horses is a bond that cannot be broken.
“Landslide” was chosen to honor our owners and the years of devotion and sacrifice they put into your beloved companion. Every ride, every challenge overcome together builds a deep bond and we know that letting go of that is bittersweet. On one hand, there’s a sense of relief knowing your friend can enjoy a well-deserved rest, but there’s sadness in closing a cherished chapter you wish could have lasted forever.
We chose Landslide to give our owners comfort in knowing their beloved friend will be cared for with the same love and devotion they would provide themselves.
See the Landslide crew!